(!!!) (Best Mullard Pair) EZ80=6V4 Mullard La Radiotechnique Chartres plant France NOS "O" getter halo 1970 (64-64/40 x 2 tubes) 1% matched
(!!!) (BEST PAIR) 6LF6 Sylvania NOS 1970's (131ma and 134ma) (Counterpoint OTL, Futterman OTL, Prodigy OTL)
(!!!) (BEST RCA SINGLE) 6CA4 RCA NOS 1963 (53/40 and 54/40)
(!!!) (Best Single) EZ80 Mullard France NOS "O" getter halo 1970 (64/40 and 64/40)
(!!!) (Best Single) EZ81=6CA4 RFT East Germany NOS 1970's (49/40 and 49/40)
(!!!) (Best Single) EZ81=6CA4 RFT East Germany NOS 1970's (49/40 and 50/40)
(!!!) (Best Single) EZ81=6CA4 RFT East Germany NOS 1970's (50/40 and 50/40)
(!!!) (Recommended Single) EZ80 Mullard France NOS "O" getter halo 1970 (62/40 and 64/40)
(!!!) (Recommended Single) EZ81=6CA4 RFT East Germany NOS 1970's faded printing (50/40 and 50/40)
(!!) (Best Mullard Pair) EZ80=6V4 Mullard La Radiotechnique Chartres plant France NOS "O" getter halo 1970 (63-64/40 x 2 tubes) 1% matched
(!!) (Best Value Pair) 6JC6A Raytheon Japan NOS 1970's same build (9ma and 9ma) (High Gm)
(!!) (Recommended Pair) 6LF6 JAPAN Big Bottle Euro style construction NOS 1970's (92ma and 87ma)
(!!) (Recommended Pair) 6LF6 Sylvannia NOS same build 1970 era (121ma and 127ma) (Counterpoint OTL, Futterman OTL, Prodigy OTL)
(!) (BEST PAIR) 6CA4 RCA NOS 1960's - 1972 (54-56/40 and 54-54/40) (Wright, Counterpoint, Cary, Zanden)
(!) (BEST PAIR) 6CA4=EZ81 Sylvania NOS 1960's (53-54/40 and 52-53/40)
(!) (Best Single) EZ80 Amperex Globe Logo France NOS 1969 (64/40 and 66/40)
(!) (Best Single) EZ80 Mullard UK like new "D" getter 1961 (64/40 and 66/40)
(!) (BEST VALUE PAIR) 6V4=EZ80 Haltron by Tungsram Hungary NOS 1960's (58-60/40 and 59-60/40) 1-2% section balance
(!) (BEST VALUE) 6V4=EZ80 Sylvania East Germany by RFT 1970's (56/40 and 58/40)
(!) (Recommended Pair) 6LF6 Sylvania NOS same build (115ma and 121ma) (Counterpoint OTL, Futterman OTL, Prodigy OTL)