40uf/450V, 10uf/450V, 35uf/350V, 10uf/350VDC CDE NOS 3"H x 1.375" dia (D0910) (1 in stock)
40uf/450V, 10uf/450V, 80uf/250V, 10uf/250VDC Cornell NOS 3.5"H x 1.375" dia (D0870)
50uf/350VDC, 60uf/250VDC, 5uf/250VDC, 100uf/50VDC Mallory FP NOS (2"H x 1.75" dia) (WP419.585A) (3 in stock)
50uf/450V, 10uf/400V, 160uf/250VDC US Made (KFP) NOS 3.5"H x 1.375" dia (235-6705K) (15 in stock)
50uf/450V, 50uf/450VDC Sprague (FP) NOS 3"H x 1.375" dia. (1 in stock) TVL-2767
60uf/350VDC and 60uf/50VDC Mallory Canada FP NOS (3"H x 1" dia) (FP220.5) (1 in stock)
60uf/350VDC Mallory FP NOS 2.5"H x 1" dia (FP137.2A) (sold out)
70-100uf/450V, 7-10uf/450V, 20-30uf/50V, 15-20uf/50VDC CDE NOS 3"H x 1.375" dia (DD0875A) (3 in stock)
80-100uf/350VDC, 2 sections @ 300-500uf/50VDC and 1 section 200-300uf/50VDC Cornell CDE FP NOS 3.625"H x 1.75" dia (DD0696A) (2 in stock)
80-140uf @ 150V GE FP cap NOS (2 in stock) (2.5" tall)
80uf / 450VDC Cornell Dubilier (CDE) axial cap NOS (8 in stock)
80uf/300VDC Mallory metal can cap NOS (0 in stock)
80uf/400V, 80uf/400VDC Cornell NOS 4"H x 1.375" dia (B0356)
80uf/400VDC, 80uf/200VDC, 4uf/150V, 100uf/50VDC Mallory FP NOS 3.5"H x 1.375" dia (FP420.407)
80uf/450V, 20uf/450V, 100uf/50V CDE NOS 4"H x 1.375" dia (C1108)
80uf/450V, 20uf/450V, 2uf/350V, 25uf/25VDC Mallory NOS 3"H x 1.375" dia (FP427.74)
80uf/450V, 2uf/350V, 15uf/25VDC Canada (KFP) NOS 2.5"H x 1.375" dia. (6 in stock)
80uf/450V, 2uf/350VDC Sprague made for RCA (KFP) NOS 3"H x 1.375" dia. (2 in stock)
80uf/80V/20uf/150VDC Mallory Axial Cap NOS 2.5"L x 1" dia (TCT3120)
8uf / 1000VDC GE oil cap used (1 in stock)