(!!!!) (Best Single #2) 12AT7=ECC81 Mullard branded Raytheon NOS 1972 (9.2/9.2ma)
(!!!!) (Best Single) 12AT7=ECC81 Mullard UK NOS 1972 (10.4/10.2ma)
(!!!!) (Best Single) EZ81 GE Mullard Blackburn UK "O" getter NOS 1966 (57/40 and 57/40)
(!!!!) (Best Single) EZ81 Mullard Blackburn UK NOS branded Motorola "D" getter 1960 (57/40 and 58/40)
(!!!!) (SINGLE) EZ81 Bogen Mullard Blackburn UK "D" getter like new 1963 (56/40 and 57/40)
(!!!) (Best Value Single) ECC85=6AQ8 Philips Holland NOS 1975 (10/17ma)
(!!!) (Recommended Single) 12AT7=ECC81 Mullard branded Raytheon NOS 1972 (13.2/11.0ma)