(!!!) (Best Single) 6L6GC RCA Black Plate used/tests like new 1964 (88ma)
(!!!) (Best Single) CK5687WA Raytheon black plates "O" getter like new 1960 (35/38ma)
(!!!) (Best Sylvania 1955) 12AX7 Sylvania pinched black plates "square" getter halo NOS 1955 (Gm=1500/1700, 1.0/1.1ma)
(!!!) (Best Value Single) 12AU7 Sylvania "black plates" with "D" getter halo like new 1951 era branded JAN-12AU7 GE 1985 (10.0/9.8ma)
(!!!) (Best Value Single) 12BH7A Sylvania branded GE black oval plates "U" getter 1950's tilted glass (11.0/14.2ma)
(!!!) (Good Value Pair) 6350 Sylvania black ribbed plates "U" getter used/good 1957 (9.0/9.2ma and 9.2/10ma) 1-3% matched
(!!!) (Good Value Pair) CK-6080 Raytheon black plates NOS 1962 (60/79ma and 60/76ma)
(!!!) (Good Value Pair) CK-6080 Raytheon black plates NOS 1962 (66/86ma and 73/86ma)
(!!!) (Good Value Pair) CK-6080 Raytheon black plates NOS 1962 (67/62ma and 67/60ma)
(!!!) (Good Value Pair) JHS-5687WA Sylvania used/very good 1960's faded printing (35.4/34.2ma and 37.0/36.5ma)
(!!!) (Good Value Single) 6L6GC RCA black plate NOS 1965 broken center guide pin (76.2ma)
(!!!) (Good Value Single) GL-5751 GE "5 Star" black plates triple mica D getter 1954 used/good (2.1/2.3ma)
(!!!) (Good Value Single) JAN-5687WA Raytheon bronze plates "O" getter like new 1960 era (33.5/33ma)
(!!!) (Recommended Black Plates) 12AU7A Westinghouse black plates 1960 era rebranded United 1981 "D" getter halo (8.4/9.8ma) (similar to RCA black plates)
(!!!) (Recommended single) 12AT7 Brimar UK black plates "O" getter halo copper grid posts NOS 1957 (16.0/15.2ma)
(!!!) (Recommended Single) 12BH7A Westinghouse black ribbed plates "U" getter halo 1961 (8.5/10ma)
(!!!) (Recommended Single) 5687 Tungsol branded Amperex black plate/bronze-black plate (38ma/43.5ma)
(!!!) (Recommended Single) 5691 RCA red base black plates NOS 1957 (2.0/2.1ma)
(!!!) (Recommended Single) 6SN7GTA Westinghouse black plates "D" getter halo NOS 1950's (8.6/9.6ma) (rare)
(!!!) (Recommended Single) JAN-5814A RCA black plates NOS 1966 (9.8/11.4ma)