6112A GE NOS 1956 (.8ma/1.0ma) (tested on Amplitrex) (1 tube only)
6BM8 Philips Miniwatt by Valvo Germany used 1961
6SH7 Rauland by RCA metal can NOS 1955 (11ma)
6SH7 RCA metal can NOS (10.3ma)
6SH7 RCA metal can NOS 1955 (10.2ma)
6X4 Arcturus by GE NOS "D" getter 1960 (54/40 and 54/40)
6X4 GE Hewlett Packard NOS "D" getter halo 1962 (55/40 and 56/40)
6X4 GE like new 1950's "D" getter (54/40 and 54/40)
6X4 National Union "D" getter halo tests like new 1955 (56/40 and 58/40)
6X4 RCA "O" getter low hours/like new 1960's (49/40 and 52/40)
6X4W GE used/tests like new 1960 era "D" getter (52/40 and 52/40)
6X4WA GE black plates rebranded National NOS (55/40 and 56/40)
6X4WA GE used/tests like new 1960 era no printing (54/40 and 54/40)
6X5GT GE used/good 1951 (49/40 and 50/40)
6X5GT GE used/good 1958 (48/40 and 50/40)
6X5GT GE used/good 1960 (47/40 and 48/40)
6X5GT GE used/good 1963 (48/40 and 49/40)
6X5GT Ken Rad 1940's used/good (51/40 and 53/40) (RCA construction)
6X5GT Philco by Sylvania used/good 1940's tilted top mica (54/40 and 60/40)
6X5GT RCA branded Raytheon NOS 1950's (51/40 and 52/40)