(!!!!!) (Best Overall Pair) GB-6136=6AU6 Sylvania Gold Brand Gold Pins NOS 1960's (7.1ma and 7.1ma) 1-2% matched
(!!!!) (2nd Best Pair) GB-6136=6AU6 Sylvania Gold Brand Gold Pins NOS 1960's (6.8ma and 6.9ma) (Same Gm)
(!!!!) (3rd Best Pair) GB-6136=6AU6 Sylvania Gold Brand Gold Pins NOS 1960's (6.5ma and 6.5ma) 1% matched
(!!!!) (Recommended Pair) GB-6136=6AU6 Sylvania Gold Brand Gold Pins NOS 1960's (6.3ma and 6.3ma) 1% matched
(!!!) (Recommended Pair) 6AU6A RCA used/test like new 1960's (7.8ma and 8.0ma)
6136=6AU6WB GE black plate 1960's branded National NOS (6.6ma)
6AU6 RCA Fisher like new 1959 (9.3ma)
6AU6A Tungsol NOS 1960 era (8.3ma)
6AU6WA Sylvania NOS 1958 (7.7ma)
JRC-6AU6WA RCA NOS 1958 (8.5ma)