(microphonic tube) JRP-5687 Raytheon NOS black plates D getter NOS 1956 (36/41ma)
(microphonic tube) JRP-5687 Raytheon NOS black plates D getter NOS 1957 (31/31ma)
(slightly microphonic single) E182CC=7119 Amperex USA NOS 1981 (32/44ma)
(slightly microphonic tube) JRP-5687 Raytheon NOS black plates D getter NOS 1956 (40.5/45.5ma)
(slightly microphonic tube) JRP-5687 Raytheon NOS black plates D getter NOS 1957 (34.5/36.5ma)
(slightly microphonic) 5687 Raytheon black plates NOS "square" getter halo 1950's (37/39ma) (strong Ma and Gm)
5687WA Sylvania JAN used/tests like new 1960's (39/43ma) (high Ma and Gm)
JRP-5687WA Raytheon black plates used/good 1965-1966 (28/31ma)
JRP-5687WA Raytheon bronze plates used/good 1960's (34.6/36.4ma)