(!) 6L6Y RCA metal can (Y=brown bottom) NOS 1966 (77ma)
(!) 807 National Union black plate NOS 1954 (73ma)
(!) 807=VT-100A National Union black ribbed plate NOS 1945 (60ma)
(Best Price) 6X5GT=VT-126B RCA black plates NOS 1943-1945 era (10 in stock)
0C3A Sylvania used/like new 1970's (single)
1C21 NOS
407A Western Electric NOS 1974 (32/26 and 34/26)
5R4GYB RCA used/very good 1964 (51/40 and 54/40)
6080 RCA black plates used/good 1956 broken guide pin (66/77ma)
6463 GE 5 Star NOS 1960 (14/20ma)
6463 GE 5 Star NOS 1964 (11/12ma)
6DJ8 Amperex Bugle Boy Holland used/like new 1964 (read review)
6DJ8 GE NOS 1964 orange printing (12.6/16.4ma)
6L6GC GE NOS 1964 broken center guide pin (61ma)
807 RCA 1940's used/tests like new white heat shrink around base (68ma)
807 RCA black plate used/good 1968 (54.2ma)
E55L=8233 Mullard branded Philips NOS 1967 (59ma)
EF80 Siemens Germany 1964 rebranded IEC Mullard 1966 NOS (6.7ma)
GL-6463 GE NOS "U" getter halo 1955 (11/12.8ma)
GL-6463 GE NOS "U" getter halo 1955 (14/20ma)