(!!!!) (Best Value Pair) 6B4G Raytheon NOS 1940's separate plates, 1 branded Philco (90ma and 91.5ma)
(!!!!) (Best Value Pair) 6SN7GTB RCA NOS and used/good 1955 era same date codes (7.6/7.6ma and 7.1/7.6ma)
(!!!!) (Best Value Pair) CK-6072 Raytheon triple mica black plates "O" getter halo 1962 used/test like new (2.1/2.0ma and 2.1/2.1ma) 1-2% matched (Same Gm)
(!!!!) (Best Value Pair) ECF80=6BL8 Mullard rebranded GE NOS 1965-1966 (15/16.5ma and 11.2/11.8ma)
(!!!!) (Best Value Quad) EZ81=6CA4 RFT East Germany (Funkwerk) NOS 1970's (1 quad)
(!!!!) (Best Value Single) 12AX7 Telefunken Germany <> bottom smooth plates branded GAP/R Computor tube like new 1964 (Gm=1700/1600 and 1.1/1.0ma)
(!!!!) (Best Value Single) 12AX7 Telefunken Germany <> bottom smooth plates branded GAP/R Computor tube like new 1964 (Gm=1700/2000 and 1.1/1.5ma)
(!!!!) (Best Value Single) 12AX7 Telefunken Germany smooth plates branded DYNACO like new 1964 (Gm=1600/1800 and 0.9/1.4ma)
(!!!!) (Best Value Single) 5U4G CBS used/tests like new "D" getter 1950 era (55/40 and 60/40)
(!!!!) (Best Value Single) 5U4G RCA used/tests like new "D" getter 1955 (56/40 and 56/40) 1% section balance
(!!!!) (BEST VALUE SINGLE) 5U4G TUNGSOL NOS 1952 slightly tilted glass (52/40 and 52/40)
(!!!!) (Best Value Single) 5U4G Zenith by Sylvania used/tests like new "D" getter 1949 (55/40 and 55/40) 1% section balance
(!!!!) (BEST VALUE SINGLE) 5U4GB Raytheon "O" getter NOS 1962 (57/40 and 58/40)
(!!!!) (BEST VALUE SINGLE) 5U4GB Raytheon "O" getter NOS 1962 (58/40 and 60/40) (2 in stock)
(!!!!) (Best Value Single) 6922=E88CC Penta Labs Hungary used/like new 1980 era (13.8/15.8ma)
(!!!!) (Best Value Single) CK-6072 Raytheon triple mica black plates "O" getter halo 1962 used/good (2.0/2.1ma)
(!!!!) (Best Value Single) ECC803S=12AX7 Telefunken Ulm Germany <> bottom NOS 1961 1-2% section balance (Gm=1550/1600) (1.1/1.1ma)
(!!!!) (Best Value Single) GZ34 Mullard UK NOS 1975 (58/40 and 63/40)
(!!!!) (Best Value Single) GZ34=5AR4 Philips Mullard NOS 1979 (57/40 and 58/40)
(!!!!) (Best Value XF2 Pair) EL34 Mullard XF2 NOS (1) double halo "O-O" (1) single halo "O" 1966 and 1970 (75ma and 78ma)