(!) 108C1=0B2 Siemens Germany NOS 1960-1961 (argon gas)
(!) 108C1=0B2 Siemens made in France 1970 (argon gas)
(!) 12AT7 Mullard Heath "D" getter used/good 1959 (6.4/7.6ma)
(!) 12AT7 Mullard Heath "D" getter used/like new 1960 (8.0/9.6ma)
(!) 6SN7GT Westinghouse USA black plates NOS 1950 era (7.0/11.0ma)
(!) JAN-6X4WA Sylvania used/good 1967 (48/40 and 50/40)
(!) JHS-6186=6AG5WA Sylvania NOS 1965 (9.7ma)
(!) JTL-12AU7 Tungsol narrow plates "D" getter NOS 1955 bottom mica is tilted (10.4/10.6ma)
(SINGLE) 812A RCA used/strong 1959 faded getter (74/56)
0A2 RCA NOS 1961
2050W Chatham by Tungsol NOS 1959 (2 in stock)
439A Western Electric NOS 1959 (5 in stock)
439A Western Electric NOS 1965
5581 RCA Photocell for sound NOS 1959 (single)
5608A Tungsol NOS made for Barber Colman (Wheelco Instruments) 1959-1971 (0 in stock)
5651 GE "D" getter NOS 1956
5651 GE NOS 1960's (1 in stock)
5651 Tungsol branded GE NOS 1964 (1 in stock)
5651 Tungsol NOS 1964 (1 in stock)
5R4GYA GE NOS 1959 (48/40 and 50/40)