(!!!!!) (BEST PAIR #1) 417A Western Electric NOS 1980 (42.5ma and 43ma)
(!!!!!) (Best Single) CK-6072 Raytheon triple mica black plates "O" getter halo 1962 tests like new (2.7/2.7ma) (1-2% section balance)
(!!!!!) (Best Tungsol Pair) 5881 Tungsol 1960-1967 like new and used - same build (66.2ma and 66.5ma)
(!!!!!) (Good Value Single) 12AU7=ECC82 Mullard UK long plates "O" getter halo used/good 1958 (9.0/8.8ma)
(!!!!!) (Recommended Pair) 6C4C=6B4G Russian NOS 1955 and 1968 (91ma and 96ma) (these are some of the best sounding 6B4G ever made)
(!!!!!) (Recommended Single) 12AU7 Mullard UK "long plates" and "O" getter 1958 (10.8ma and 11ma) (High mA and Gm)
(!!!!) (2nd Best Pair) CK-6072 Raytheon triple mica black plates "O" getter halo 1962 used/test like new faded printing (2.6/2.7ma and 2.7/2.8ma) 1-3% matched (Same Gm)
(!!!!) (Best Bugle Boy Single 1959) 12AU7 Amperex Bugle Boy England (Mullard) long plates with "D" getter like new 1959 (12.4/9.8ma)
(!!!!) (BEST PAIR) 417A Western Electric NOS 1980 (42.5ma and 44ma)
(!!!!) (BEST PAIR) 5842=417A Western Electric NOS 1980 (39ma and 40ma)
(!!!!) (Best Pair) CK-6072 Raytheon triple mica black plates "O" getter halo 1962 used/test like new faded printing (2.8/2.9ma and 2.8/2.9ma) 1% matched
(!!!!) (Best Single) 5692 CBS Hytron Brown base NOS 1957 (9.4/9.0ma) (same Gm)
(!!!!) (Best Value Pair) 6B4G Raytheon NOS 1940's separate plates, 1 branded Philco (90ma and 91.5ma)
(!!!!) (Best Value Pair) CK-6072 Raytheon triple mica black plates "O" getter halo 1962 used/test like new (2.1/2.0ma and 2.1/2.1ma) 1-2% matched (Same Gm)
(!!!!) (Best Value Single) 6AS7G RCA gray plates NOS 1971 (60ma/78ma)
(!!!!) (Best Value Single) CK-6072 Raytheon triple mica black plates "O" getter halo 1962 used/good (2.0/2.1ma)
(!!!!) (Good Value Single 1964) PCC88=7DJ8 Philips Miniwatt Holland "O" getter NOS 1964 (10.5/16.2ma)
(!!!!) (Good Value Single 1970) PCC88=7DJ8 Amperex Holland "A" frame NOS 1970 (11.4/12ma)
(!!!!) (Good Value Single) ECC83=12AX7 Amperex Bugle Boy Holland "long plates" and "D" getter used/good 1958 (1.1/1.1ma and Gm=1350/1350) 1% section balance
(!!!!) (Long Plate Single) 12AU7 Mullard Heath UK long plates "O" getter used/good 1959 (8.8/9.0ma)