(!!) (Single 1962) EL84 Mullard UK NOS (rX1-B2C3=1962) (39.6ma)
(!!) (Single 1964) EL84 Mullard UK NOS (rX3-B4H5=1964) (47ma)
(!!) (SINGLE) 12AU7 RCA long plates D getter NOS 1950's (9.2/9.8ma)
(!!) (SINGLE) 12BH7 CBS branded Arcturus Black Oval Plates large "U" getter NOS 1950's (10.2ma/13.0ma)
(!!) (SINGLE) 5687 Tungsol rebranded IBM bronze plates "U" getter used/very good late 1950's (32.5/39ma)
(!!) (SINGLE) 5R4GY RCA brown base used/tests like new 1949 (50/40 and 51/40)
(!!) (single) 6SL7GT RCA NOS black plates gray coated glass 1959 (2.0/1.7ma)
(!!) (SINGLE) 7025 RCA gray NOS 1970 era (Gm=1450/1600 and 1.0/1.2mA)
(!!) (Single) JAN-5670W GE used/good 1970's (6.8/6.0ma)
(!!) (Single) JHS-5670 Sylvania used/good 1966 (6.4/8.6ma)
(!!) (slightly microphonic pair) JAN-6SL7GT=VT-229 RCA NOS and like new 1940's (2.5/2.4ma and 2.4/2.6ma) 1-3% matched
(!!) (slightly microphonic) 6SL7GT RCA NOS 1950 (2.2/2.3ma) 1-2% section balance
(!!) (slightly microphonic) 6SL7GT RCA NOS black plates gray coated glass 1952 (2.8/2.8ma) 1% section balance
(!!) (slightly microphonic) B309=12AT7 GEC UK black plates "D" getter NOS 1950's (9.6/10.8ma)
(!!) 12AT7 Brimar black plates NOS/70-75% 1955 (5.6/5.8ma)
(!!) 12AT7 Brimar England black plates "U" getter used/good 1950's (6.0/6.4ma)
(!!) 12AU7A CBS black plates NOS 1960 era (9.5/11.8ma)
(!!) 12AU7A Toshiba Japan rebranded Raytheon gray ribbed plates NOS 1970's (10/11ma) (same Gm)
(!!) 12BH7A Philco Sylvania gray oval plates "O" getter halo used/good 1962 (6.5/7.3ma)
(!!) 412A Western Electric NOS 1965 (52/40 and 52/40)