(!!!!) (Good Value) JG-12AY7 GE box plates like new 1953 (3.3/2.5ma)
(!!!!) (Recommended Single) 12AY7 GE NOS 1960's (2.2/2.5ma)
(!!!!) (Tungsol Single) JAN-12AY7 Tungsol like new 1960 era (2.9/2.7ma) (same Gm)
(!!!) (Best Single) 12AY7 GE "GRAY BOX PLATES" and "D" getter NOS 1953 (3.3/3.1ma)
(!!!) (Good Value Single) 12AY7 GE "D" getter NOS 1955 (2.2/1.9ma)
(!!!) (Recommended Pair) 12AY7 Zenith Sylvania NOS 1960 (2.3/2.8ma and 2.5/2.8ma)
(!!!) (Recommended Single) 12AY7 GE NOS 1970 (2.0/2.3ma)
(!!!) (Recommended Single) 12AY7 Tungsol tall gray ribbed plates rebranded Raytheon NOS "D" getter 1950's (3.3/4.0ma)
(!!!) (Single 1955) JG-12AY7 GE "D" getter like new 1955 (3.3/2.7ma) (High Gm)
(!!!) (Single 1956) 12AY7 GE "D" getter like new 1956 (3.1/2.8ma)
(!!!) (Single) 6072 RCA NOS gray plates 1967 (2.0/1.9ma) (Fender, Apex)
(!!) JG-12AY7 GE "D" getter 1956 used/good (2.1/2.3ma)
(read review) 12AY7 GE branded RCA gray plates "D" getter NOS 1954 (2.3/2.9ma)