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(!!!) (Recommended Pair) 12AX7 Triotron by Philips Holland NOS and Valvo Holland like new 1966-1968 (1.7/1.5ma and 1.5/1.5ma)
(!!!) (Recommended Pair) 12AX7 Triotron by Philips Holland NOS and Valvo Holland like new 1966-1968 (1.7/1.5ma and 1.5/1.5ma)
$ 309.99
1 low noise pair) ECC83=12AX7 Triotron by Philips Holland NOS 1966 and Valvo Holland like new 1968
1 tube) 1.7/1.5ma and Gm=2000/1900 (1966) Triotron NOS
1 tube) 1.5/1.5ma and Gm=1900/1900 (1968) Valvo like new in white box
- Heerlen Holland
See more: vacuum tube