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(!!!!) (Best Pair #2) 6F8G Sylvania and Sylvania Zenith parallel black ribbed plates like new 1940's (8.2/7.8ma and 8.0/7.0ma) 1-3% matched (very close Gm)
(!!!!) (Best Pair #2) 6F8G Sylvania and Sylvania Zenith parallel black ribbed plates like new 1940's (8.2/7.8ma and 8.0/7.0ma) 1-3% matched (very close Gm)
$ 89.99
1 pair) 6F8G Sylvania and Sylvania Zenith parallel black ribbed plates like new 1940's in white boxes
1 tube) 8.2/7.8ma Gm=2500/2500 Sylvania Zenith
1 tube) 8.0/7.0ma Gm=2600/2500 Sylvania
plate structure and internals are the same as VT-231 Sylvania
Tested on Amplitrex
Good Iplate = 7-10
Good Ma = 2400-2600
6F8G = (2) 6J5G inside 1 bulb
1 section has top cap for grid
1 section has internal grid connection
GE, Sylvania and Raytheon have mirror image parallel black plates
RCA and Ken Rad have staggered black ribbed plates
See more: vacuum tube