(!!) (Single) ECC85 RFT East Germany (Funkwerk) NOS 1970's (11.4/14.6ma)
$ 24.99
1 low noise tube) ECC85 RFT East Germany (Funkwerk) NOS 1970's
1 section) 11.4ma Gm=6300
1 section) 14.6ma Gm=7400
- Tested on Amplitrex AT1000
- Good Ma range 9-11ma
- Good Gm = 6000
- Vplate = 250V, Vgrid = -2V
- Low Noise and not microphonic
(6AQ8 Specs: Filament=6.3V @ 435ma, Mu=57, Gm=5700, the best sounding are Telefunken, Siemens, Holland and Mullard)
Recommended for
- Luxman MQ80 amp
- EAR 509 amp
- EAR 534 amp
- EAR 890 amp
- EAR 834 Integrated amp
- Scott 335 Tuner
- Consonance M500
- Don Allen preamp
- TL Audio iTube Valve Dock mk II (2010)
- Music Angel KT88 MkIII
See more: vacuum tube