(!!!!) (Recommended Pair) 6SN7GTB Tungsol NOS 1960 era (8.6/8.4ma and 8.4/9.4ma)

(!!!!) (Recommended Pair) 6SN7GTB Tungsol NOS 1960 era (8.6/8.4ma and 8.4/9.4ma)

$ 129.99

1 matched pair) 6SN7GTB Tungsol NOS 1960 era

1 tube) 8.6/8.4ma Gm=2600/2600

1 tube) 8.4/9.4ma Gm=2600/2800 taller glass - on right

Good Ma range 8-10ma

Good Gm range 2400-2800

- Cary

- Antique Sound Lab

See more: vacuum tube
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