(!) (SINGLE) 6DJ8 Amperex Bugle Boy Holland used/good 1966 (12.4/13.2ma)

(!) (SINGLE) 6DJ8 Amperex Bugle Boy Holland used/good 1966 (12.4/13.2ma)

$ 79.99

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1 low noise tube) 6DJ8 Amperex Bugle Boy Holland used/good 1966 small "o" getter halo in white box

1 section) 12.4ma Gm=9800

1 section) 13.2ma Gm=9600


Good used Ma = 10-12ma

Good Used Gm = 9000 - 11,000


(the rarest and most sought after 6DJ8, very lifelike sound)
(oldest and rarest 6DJ8 Holland in stock)
(these are the best 6DJ8 to use in a linestage, more musical than CCa Telefunken)
(6DJ8 Holland sound excellent in preamps by AR, CJ, Audible Illusions, Sonic Frontiers, VAC, CAT, etc.)


Recommended for

- Manley Chinook
- Scott Nixon DAC
- Rode K2 mic
- Sunfire Classic Vacuum Tube Control Center
- Woo Audio WA3+
- Pathos Classic One MK III preamp
- Audio Horizons phono


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