(!!) 13D3 Brimar UK black plates tests like new 1962 (6.8ma/7.2ma) (similar to 12AU7)

(!!) 13D3 Brimar UK black plates tests like new 1962 (6.8ma/7.2ma) (similar to 12AU7)

By Tube World

$ 69.99

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1 tube) 13D3 Brimar UK black plates tests like new 1962 (6.8ma/7.2ma) in white box

similar to 12AU7

1 section) 6.8ma Gm=2400

1 section) 7.2ma Gm=2400


Amplitrex Test Data



Good Iplate (ma) = 6ma

Good Gm = 2200-2400

See more: vacuum tube
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