(!!!!) (Best Pair) 10 Sylvania "engraved base" 1930's NOS same build (26ma and 26.2ma)
$ 249.99
1 matched pair) 10 Sylvania "engraved base" 1930's NOS same build
1 tube) 26.0ma Gm=1900 slightly taller
1 tube) 26.2ma Gm=1700
Good mA range 20-30ma
Good Gm range 1700-2000
General Information
(Filament=7V @ 1.2A, Vplate=220V, Vgrid=-7V, Iplate=25ma, Mu=6, Rp=6Kohms)
(The VT-25 is built exactly the same as a VT-52, but the plate and grid are spaced differently yielding ifferent Mu factors and plate resistance)
See more: vacuum tube